
Cel Projektu i planowane efekty: Celem projektu jest rozwój w makroregionie Polski Wschodniej działalności biznesowej firmy vNext Sp. z o.o. w oparciu o innowacyjną platformę JourneyPro. JourneyPro to innowacyjna platforma SaaS do projektowania i budowania procesów klienckich, zewnętrznych dla danego przedsiębiorstwa, czyli tzw. Customer Journeys. Wartość projektu: 1 087 550,00 zł Wkład Funduszu Europejskiego: 915 516,68 zł

Introduce your Business to JourneyPro.
Save time and money by taking control over your Customer Journeys.

About JourneyPro

JourneyPro is a framework for designing, building and implementing Customer Journeys into your IT ecosystem. Our low-code platform offers a simple, yet powerful visual designer. Finally, you can focus your efforts on providing excellent Customer Experience without worrying about development costs and time-to-market.

Take care of your Customer Experience step by step.



Design most complex Customer Journey using our platform and its powerful features.



Use built in controls or extensions. Seemlessy integrate with your CRM and other web services.



Deploy your whole process with its logic into your IT ecosystem with a single line of code.

"Improving customer experience delivers real benefits to companies that successfully execute customer-centric strategies. Across sectors, satisfied customers spend more, exhibit deeper loyalty to companies, and create conditions that allow companies to have lower costs and higher levels of employee engagement."

What's in it for you?

Visual Designer

Reduced development costs by 300%

Use our awesome non-code designer to speed up your development time and create complex workflows with ease.

Easy deployment

Reduced deployment time by 5 times

Deploy all specified logic to your desired system by simply pasting the auto-generated line of code. It is that simple.

Forget design

Reduced Time-to-Market by 300%

With JourneyPro you don't need to worry about design integrity. That's because our embeddable forms will inherit the styles from your website automatically.

Get Started Now!

We can provide you with a demo of our product.
It demonstrates how JourneyPro can be used in Your own environment.